Thursday, February 27, 2020

The American Public is deeply divided on a range of social, economic, Essay

The American Public is deeply divided on a range of social, economic, and political issues - Essay Example Another issue that is depicted in American society is the fact that the public is divided can be brilliantly depicted through the issue of homosexuality. Many Americans feel that gay marriages should not be approved. However, many feel that with society progressing, homosexual marriages should be upheld and should be treated as a typical marriage between a man and wife. Political The second reason why this statement is true is due to the fact that American politics is because of the fact that America is a â€Å"melting pot.† The reason why Americans differ in these issues within is because of the wide array of backgrounds, cultures, and adversities that Americans have faced. Thus, diversity is the main factor that serves as a catalyst for this division. For instance, the clash between political groups is a consistent testament of this issue. Democrats and Republicans as fueled by American opinions represent the two sides of how a government should operate. Politics in public A merican policy represent the two egos of the American public. The initiation of political parties can be traced be back during the 1824 era in which the Republican Party was formed. On one side, the Democrats, who are in the liberating front and continue to call for social progress and challenge the status quo through taxation and more government involvement. Consequently, the Republican Party tends to oppose reform by propagation for status quo. These two major parties have dominated the American politics since many decades. Undoubtedly, the ideological polarization has increased throughout American society not only amongst individuals, but also amongst government officials. Political parties are groups of individuals that collaborate for the purpose of choosing public candidate in public office. Although the constitution mentions nothing about parties, the Americans have solidified their difference through the channels of political parties. Moreover, the organization of the struct ure contains no specifications of party formations. As a matter of fact, George Washington, in his farewell addressed American citizens as he states, â€Å"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.† Clearly, the American nation should have foreseen this warning that created an internal clash of conflicts within the nation. Economical Another key testament that the American public is divided into majority of the issues is due to the legislation that is enacted on a regular day basis on an economical basis. Interest groups are so dominant in American society for both sides of the issues that it creates an environment of division within the public. For instance, economic Interest groups dictate the legislation. The U.S Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers dominate the lobbying sphere by influencing congress to lower tariffs, assist corporations through tax breaks, and induce the concept of laissez-faire. Trade associations along with labor movements dominate the entire industry that influences legislation.

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