Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Contours Of Bible Based Christ-Centered World View †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Contours Of Bible Based Christ-Centered World View. Answer: Introduction Hosea is among one of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament. In his writing, he focused on illustrating a clear and deep understanding of God to the Israelites. Wood, (2015) in this chapter, he expounds on the nature and the unchanging character of God. He elaborates further on the love that God had towards the Israel. This essay discusses the authorship of Hosea on the passage Hosea 11:1-11. In the discussion, the essay emphasized the date and the background surrounding the writing of the passage. The essay also explores the purpose, major themes, impact of themes of eternal value and the teaching of the passage to God as an unchanging character. Discussion Many scholars have viewed the authorship of Hosea poetic because it is based on important sections of narratives. Hosea authorship is characterized by intertextuality, rich in imaginations and a variety of literacy work. Many authors have tried to identify some of the illusions in the book in reference to the book of exodus where Decalogue is used. There are also instances of metaphor for example where Ephraim is described to be a cake that is unturned. Some of the literary work includes the forms such as salvation. Scholars also state that its setting is historical as the Hosea ministry was during the success of the Israel military(Stewart, 2012, p. 6). The activities associated with prophet Hosea were taking place in the 8th century, a period when the Israelites had prosperity in material possession at the monarchy age. This was political nature, and it was a result of the decline of Syria. It was also the period of threat from the neighboring nations. At that period, the military that was being led by Zakir did overthrow Hazrak, and this led to the marking of the Damascus dynasty. According to the book of 2kings 14:28, Damascus was being led by node title. However, because of the existence of the strong Israelites army, there was peace through the land. The Israelite devotion led to the revival of trade, culture and as well as the economy. Likewise, there was the similar condition on the land of Judah too(Biblicaltheology.com, 2013). The message portrayed in this chapter was not directly related to marriage but parenting. It portrays that God was compassionate and loving towards the Israelites. This was written to the Israelites to show them that despite them going against the will of God when they were worshiping the gods of Baal and offering sacrifices, God still loved them. When God delivered them from Egypt, he had shown an act of love towards them to establish a relationship so that they can be calling upon him at all time just as the way children honor their parents. However, Israel became a disobedience child despite all the care they were receiving. Understanding God appears to be the main theme, but Israel did not know him(McCann, 2015). There is the theme of love which is being portrayed where by God show Israel love by forgiving them despite them disobeying his commands. A metaphor is built where the son who is described to rebellious. Though they were punished, God did restore them. God did persevere their filthy actions such as worshiping the idols; this can be described to parental love just as a parent forgives his child. There also them of rebellion, despite Israel being delivered from Egypt, they forgot the good deeds of their father and failed to worship them to worship the Baal(Morrison, 2011). The theme that seems to have an eternal value in reference to the passage is that of love. God's love toward the Israelites was eternal; it was not ending after he had rescued them from the Egypt. The passage explains that God loved Israel just as a parent loves his child. But the more he called them his sons, they went against his will, and they ended up burning incense to idols, he taught them how to walk though they did not understand. In our today society, this is revealed where children fail to understand the parental love. A parent wants the best out of his child, but the child ends up disappointing him. Despite the failure of a child, a parent will continue loving his child(Biblicaltheology.com, 2013). The chapter portrays God to be loving; he continues to take care of Israel even after they had sinned against him. He also feeds them after rescuing them. He is also seen to be compassionate, and this is because he did withdraw the sword of punishment from them and later restored them. God is seen to be an unchanging God; this is because when he entered into a covenant with Israel that Israelites will be his son, he did not break the covenant by leaving them. This true nature of the unchanging continued even when the Israelites disobeyed his commands. This teaches that being in a relationship with God, it's sacred, we are supposed to obey his commands and also worship him alone, it is seen that when the Israelites started worshiping idols, God did punish them(Bible Hub, 2012). It is also a lesson that God forgives and therefore, whenever we sin, it is our duty to repent as a way of asking forgiveness from him. Conclusion Based on the philosophy of the Hindu, in cases where parents are providing boundaries to their children such as discipline rules, conduct and also culture, they do it to nurture the growth of the child morally. Parents are therefore meant to protect their children from harm. According to child perception, this becomes difficult for them to understand because they lack the wisdom of a parent and hence find it hard to obey their parents.The ten commandment teaches us that failing to obey our parents; it is a sin. This chapter, therefore, teaches us to obey our parents. References Bible Hub, 2012. When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt.. [Online] Available at: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/hosea/11-1.htm [Accessed 13 September 2017]. Biblicaltheology.com, 2013. Love's Persistence. American Journal of Biblical Theology. McCann, C., 2015. Commentary on Hosea 11:1-11. [Online] Available at: https://www.workingpreacher.org/preaching.aspx?commentary_id=643 [Accessed 13 September 2017]. Morrison, M., 2011. The Message of Hosea 11. [Online] Available at: https://www.gci.org/bible/hosea11 [Accessed 13 September 2017]. Stewart, B., 2012. The Lessons in the Book of Hosea, s.l.: s.n. Wood, L.!(2015)! Hosea! In! Expositors Bible Commentary Minor Prophets! F.E.! Gaberlein! (Ed)! Grand! Rapids! MI: Zondervan.

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